A Day in The Life

I like to clarify when I'm talking to people about being an actor that you should tame your expectations. I'm NOT a famous person and that is not my aspiration. I'm NOT the star of the show in anything I've worked on so far. I'm just a guy that set out in life with an ambition to be in movies and who is finally doing that. In my varied forty six year recorded media career I have loved recording and performing. And I'm just continuing that experience as a sixty something guy. As it turns out for movies, series streaming/television there are roles that suit my type. Would I like to be a regular on a series, or a character actor in a feature film, an animated series or feature? Under the right circumstances with the right people? - absolutely. It's what I work towards. But keeping it real, since becoming a full time actor after the pandemic, I've appeared in ten streaming/TV productions. Five in the last ten months. Twelve total.

I'm posting about things here partly because it's a creative outlet for me and partly as a dig at big name social media. It seems normalised to put oneself out there. I'm just doing it here and linking into it from the social platforms that I remain less and less attached to. It's not a new concept, but rather a new approach for ME. Also the following are not daily activities, rather, think of them as regular practices to help me reach my goals:

So here we go: Some actors, and I was guilty of this in the past when receiving an audition invitation; slip into “oh-oh, that's really messing up my plans for the next twenty four-to thirty six hours.” I understand balancing a full time job or a family. But for me IF I'm gonna call myself a full-time actor, I need to be on call and ready to respond. Now when I receive an audition request, I'm grateful that somebody wants to see what I can do with the role. Then I ask myself, can I embody what this character wants, and reflect that for a camera. Then I research the character if the role is based on a true story. I also have to become pretty comfortable with the audition script and I will form an interpretation of what's needed. This can happen once a week or even a few times in a week. I might be working on two auditions at the same time on occasion. But there also could be weeks with no auditions. In between it means being prepared staying healthy, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. I need to be in shape for a twelve hour or longer day on-set if it comes. At my age this requires effort. It means scheduled regular walking, four to six kilometres and reaching for ten thousand steps per day and one hundred and fifty to two hundred minutes of moderate to brisk activity per week, including light repetitive weight training and squats/planks. When not auditioning I maintain my home studio. I'm always on the lookout for tech that'll help me do my job better. I pay attention to lighting and sound recording. I also work to maintain my web presence. I sense that when I am about to be offered a role, it's very likely that productions considering actors are looking at their social media presence. Is it current? Is it tasteful? Does the publisher look like somebody with whom you'd like to work? So I maintain a healthy non-confrontational presence on social media. I try not to devote too much time to it. I stay out of political discussion, why argue with strangers? And in recent months, I've seen the benefit of taking on the attitude that if I have TIME to post on social media, I have TIME to post here to my own Changes Blog. So this will be my priority going forward. I'll be linking socials to content emanating here on this Changes Blog. This change has been a result of tiring of the antics of much of the social media landscape today. I'm wondering if more and more people will do this. Although I enjoy Instagram, for example, and seeing what other actors and friends of mine are doing, I like having a domain that I own. A domain on which I am active going forward. Finally, being a good actor also means watching other performers and learning from other actors. There are plenty of ways to do this. YouTube is a great source but more and more I will be looking to their personal web domains. There's a number of very talented actors or others in the industry with a lot more experience than I with useful content about their work. I'm constantly reading and learning about my craft.

Well, I hope that was helpful or insightful and not too obvious. Watch-out for posts about my Changes Blog.

If you did like, I really would appreciate you hitting that little heart shape below; you’ll be encouraging me to write more.. There's also a way to subscribe to my Changes Blogs, or to share it. I'd appreciate anything you feel is appropriate.

Join me for my next episode: How Do I Get Into Character?


Axing X

I have continued a presence on X, not for any reason other than that I had built an interesting list of filmmaking, sound design, casting and other creative connections to follow since 2009. But January 20th's dumb, if not intentional fascistic gesture at a presidential inaugural event by it's owner exceeded my tolerance. As I posted and pinned to my profile on the platform just now, it has/will upset so many people that I don't want any of that stink getting on me. Blue skies...


Where Can I See Geoff? - Spring 2024 Update

June 2024

If you came to geoffedwards.media to see what shows I might have been in; here's an updated list of recent appearances:

Last summer I got to hang out with the talented and generous Director, Soran Mardookhi. The project was (at the time titled) Bloodlines. It was based on a story of fraud committed by a sperm donor business. I play an employee that figures out what was going on… It was a principle role with enough time with the wonderful cast and crew to really enjoy the experience. I got to work on set with Holly Deveaux, Lyndsey Wong and Jason Cermak. I have yet to see it! It’s called Cradle Of Deception, Conceived In Lies. Summer 2023 had me in two movies of the week. Have You Seen My Son was an opportunity to work with Director, Jim Cliffe and to be a bad guy in his made for TV Thriller and I loved every minute of it. It Stars Sarah Smyth. My character is named Gary Barrat. I appear in scenes with Jonathan Hawley Purvis, Lori Kokotailo with the lovely ShellyLyn Williams playing my spouse.

So far in 2024 I have appeared in three made for TV movies. More about them when they are to be released. Follow me on Twitter/x for more frequent changes and shares.

"Where Can I See Geoff Edwards Acting?"

If you came here to see what shows I might have been in, here's a list of recent appearances, since signing with Jenny Clough: In Listen Out For Love with Stephanie Bennet, Mark Ghanimé and Lynn Whyte I played Barry. It's on the Hallmark channel. I was in Grilling Season, The Curious Caterer, with Nikki Deloach, Andrew W. Walker and Jaycie Dotin which is on StackTV via Amazon Prime. I played a Lawyer named Preston Pittman. I appeared briefly, in a season three episode of the Sci Fi series Upload, on Prime as Vern. There are two made for TV Movies in which I played principle roles this past Summer. I expect they will release in '24. I will update you here. Here’s to a fabulous 2024, thanks for your interest.

Geoff Edwards photo by Alex Harte

Tangible Handmade

I have been involved in the creation of entertainment media for many years. I love it. My hobby is woodworking. I have kept some items that were handmade by me over the years; I like to wander hardware departments and stores that sell wood. Media is all around us but you can’t touch it like you can handmade usable things. Recently, I came across a batch of live edge planed walnut lumber. So I made a small table top to replace one that I built years ago for my studio. It turned out alright! Even if I do say so myself. Then, I made a bridge for my monitors to get them a little higher at my stand-up desk. I didn't like looking down on my video editor time-lines and I was getting a stiff neck. One day I noticed the pile of live-edge walnut was selling off… Fast forward: A purchase was made, there was cutting and sanding, tung oil was applied and voila! And that stiff neck is fading.

Some Light in the Dark Season

I have seen these lights for the seasonally affected among us sold at pharmacies. I think my studio light works like that. A sleep mode in a health app on my phone suggested that for a better sleep, to expose myself to bright daylight shortly after getting up. Fall/Winter north of the forty-ninth lacks bright morning sunlight; when your home is on the shady side of the hills in a rain forest. My morning routine now includes at least 20 minutes under this light. Not sure if it feels good because it's something new or if there's something to it. I am not conducting science here... but I will continue to shine a light on this question! 😉

Love my studio light. It’s the Aputure 120DII

#Actor #Acting


Since junior high school I have aimed at an acting career. There have been years/decades where other important priorities detoured me. I enjoyed a diverse media career with years of national radio and TV work, owning audio and video production businesses and of course voice acting. Now in my sixties I am a union actor regularly auditioning and building a film and TV acting resume. There were films before but I recently marked the fourth film or television series in which I have acted since signing with the best, most attentive and enthusiastic agent of my career. As always I'm grateful to my wife for her encouragement and support. Gratitude is also due Jenny Clough and her team at Spotlight Talent. 

Never give up on your dreams.